Sunday, March 22, 2020

La Vida Update for Week March 23-27----Revised

 Dear La Vida Homeschooling Community,
I hope this email finds everyone well and that everyone has the supplies they need for the duration of the Shelter In Place Order to inhibit the spread of the Covid19 coronavirus.  If there is an urgent need, please let us know and we will try to help.

Onsite classes have been suspended indefinitely at La Vida, however EC & IEP meetings, tutoring and MAP testing,  will continue. Weekly Check-ins every Friday continues. Tutoring will resume March 30 week, in compliance with health and safety regulations. MAP testing will resume after spring break. More detailed information about scheduling will be sent out next week.  Curriculum check out will also continue as needed.  Expect a phone call check in from your EC, once per week if you are onsite or every two weeks if home only.

Office hours for the next two weeks before spring break, are 10:00 – 2:00 Monday through Thursday and Closed on Friday.  Spring Break is vacation time with no assignments; however it is time to catch up if one is behind.  Dates for Spring Break are April 6-10.

The week of the 23rd,  La Vida teachers will be working to develop virtual Math Classes that will happen at least one day per week on the same day they would be for the onsite class schedule.  Attendance will be expected for the onsite students and homeonly's are welcome to join in.  EC meetings can continue to occur in person with social distancing.  However if anyone is sick, a virtual platform will be used.  Virtual platforms in this case, means by phone or through Zoom meeting platform, which is like a facetime or skype.  It is an easy set up, and links with instructions will be emailed out and put on the website. Zoom works with phones, tablets and computers. For EC meetings via Virtual Platform, work must be scanned, photographed or mailed in.  Tips for good pictures will also be sent out and posted.

The Golden Rule, the school’s landlords, is wanting to limit exposure to their community by eliminating visitors.  When coming to La Vida, come only to the school.  Please do not go to the Golden Rule or use the picnic tables under the big shade tree for the time being.  Parking for the school is across the front and up the side by the swing set.  If possible, park in those areas only.  La Vida is following the social distancing and sanitation preventatives recommended and is staying abreast with the daily updates coming from the county and state.

Tips and resources will be emailed and posted at and on

Keep On the Sunny Side!     
With All Best Wishes,
Ann Kelly, Executive Director

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