Saturday, March 14, 2020

La Vida Open for the Week of March 16 -20

At this time Mendocino County Health Officer Dr. Noemi Doohan is not recommending closing Mendocino County schools as an effort to reduce the spreading of the global pandemic virus Covid 19.  Fortunately, there are still Zero cases of the virus in Mendocino County.  However it is a rapidly changing situation.

La Vida is fortunate that all students have curriculum for a home study program and the number of students in the onsite program are small, well below the threshold limits recommended by President Trump.  It is possible however, that in the weeks ahead, the onsite classes could be cancelled for a number of days depending on how the situation develops.

Everyone should stay home if they are in the throes of illness; such as feverish, sneezing, coughing fits, vomiting. etc.  If an onsite class teacher becomes ill and cannot work, the school will follow its policy of cancelling that grade level class until the teacher returns. Students who present as ill at school will be sent home.

In the meantime continue with the recommended hand washing and hygiene protocols.  Practice social distancing strategies when appropriate. Look to ways to support your immune systems.  More information will be circulated about that. Create a plan, if the onsite program closes and everyone is asked to stay home.

See the following press release from the County Health and Human Services Agency.

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